
peer-reviewed publications in reversed chronological order.


  1. nested-regional-mom6_Barnes2024regionalmom6.png
    regional-mom6: A Python package for automatic generation of regional configurations for the Modular Ocean Model v6
    Ashley J. Barnes, Navid C. Constantinou, Angus Gibson, Andrew E. Kiss, Chris Chapman, John Reilly, Dhruv Bhagtani, and Luwei Yang
    submitted to the Journal of Open Source Software, 2024
  2. Wind_heat_summary_Bhagtani2024AtlanticMHT.jpg
    Unraveling how winds and surface heat fluxes control the Atlantic Ocean’s meridional heat transport
    Dhruv Bhagtani, Andrew McC. Hogg, Ryan M. Holmes, and Navid C. Constantinou
    in review at the Geophysical Research Letters, 2024


  1. expt_config_Bhagtani2023.jpg
    Surface heating steers planetary-scale ocean circulation
    Dhruv Bhagtani, Andrew McC. Hogg, Ryan M. Holmes, and Navid C. Constantinou
    Journal of Physical Oceanography, 2023


  1. deform_Bhagtani2019KalmanFiltering.jpg
    Extended Kalman Filtering for Estimating Drag and Inertia Coefficients for Slender Offshore Structures
    Dhruv Bhagtani, and Nilanjan Saha
    Jun 2019