Dhruv Bhagtani


2.22, J7, 142 Mills Rd

Australian National University

Canberra, Australia 2601

I am a final-year PhD student in the Climate and Fluid Physics group, Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University. I use numerical models to understand better the interplay between wind stress and surface buoyancy forcing in driving large-scale ocean circulation.

I obtained a Bachelors of Technology (with honours) in Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India in Aug 2020. For my honours project, I parallelised a finite-element based solver to estimate cyclone inundation in coastal regions.


Apr 25, 2024 Paper submitted to the Journal of Open Source Software: Barnes, A. J., Constantinou, N. C., Gibson, A., Kiss, A. E., Chapman, C., Reilly, J., Bhagtani, D., and Yang L. (2024) regional-mom6: A Python package for Automatic generation of regional configurations for the Modular Ocean Model v6 :scroll:
Mar 25, 2024 Co-authored the Australian Research Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes annual report: State of Weather and Climate Extremes 2023 :tornado:
Mar 14, 2024 Co-evaluated the ocean component of Australia’s climate model ‘ACCESS’ and provided scientific input for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 7 (CMIP7) in a 3-day hackathon in Australia :kangaroo:

selected publications

  1. expt_config_Bhagtani2023.jpg
    Surface heating steers planetary-scale ocean circulation
    Dhruv Bhagtani, Andrew McC. Hogg, Ryan M. Holmes, and Navid C. Constantinou
    Journal of Physical Oceanography, 2023